The farm / fish pond of Andreas Christofi innovates in the fact that for the first time will be made attempt for cultivation of sturgeon in Cyprus, with the main purpose of the production of caviar. A dream of 20 years finally will take place. The scientist-farmer Andreas Christofi, has the largest privately owned water tank in Cyprus, which created for irrigation purposes of stone trees. Andreas Christofi also proceeded in the cultivation of Sturgeon fish in order to produce caviar and also in the cultivation of Trout.
You can order fishes or caviar and we will deliver them at your place!
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The sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) is a relatively small species of sturgeon from Eurasia. It is native to large rivers that flow into the Black Sea, Azov Sea and Caspian Sea, as well as rivers in Siberia as far east as Yenisei River.
The fish are often called salmon trout. Several other fish in the salmonid family are called trout; some are anadromous like salmon, whereas others are resident in freshwater only. Like steelhead salmon are anadromous: they return to their original hatching ground to spawn. Similar to Atlantic salmon, but unlike their Pacific Oncorhynchus salmonid kin, steelhead are Iteroparous (able to spawn several times, each time separated by months) and make several spawning trips between fresh and salt water. The steelhead spawn (immature or young fish) remain in the river for about a year before heading to sea, whereas salmon typically return to the seas as smolts. Different steelhead populations migrate upriver at different times of the year. "Summer-run steelhead" migrate between May and October, before their reproductive organs are fully mature. They mature in freshwater before spawning in the spring. Most Columbia River steelhead are "summer-run". "Winter-run steelhead" mature fully in the ocean before migrating, between November and April, and spawn shortly after returning. The maximum recorded life-span for a rainbow trout is 11 years.
Rainbow trout is popular in Western cuisine, and is caught wild and farmed. It has tender flesh and a mild, somewhat nutty flavor. Farmed trout and trout taken from certain lakes have a pronounced earthy flavor which some people find unappealing. Wild rainbow trout that eat scuds (freshwater shrimp), insects such as flies, and crayfish are the most appealing. Farmed trout and some populations of wild trout, especially anadromous steelhead, have red/orange flesh as a result of high astaxanthin levels in their diets. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that may be from a natural source or synthetically produced. The resulting pink flesh is sometimes marketed under names such as Ruby Red or Carolina Red. The flavour of the meat is related to the size of the fish, fish larger than 1 kg having more flavour than small trout just as beef is more flavourful than veal. Steelhead meat is pink like that of salmon, and is more flavorful than the light-colored meat of rainbow trout. The Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Purchase ), also known as the diamond sturgeon, is a species of fish in the Acipenseridae family. This fish can grow up to about 235 cm (93 in) and weigh 115 kg (250 lb). Russian sturgeon can not mature and reproduce quickly, making them highly vulnerable to fishing. It is distinguished from other Acipenser species by its short snout with a rounded tip as well as its lower lip which is interrupted at its center.
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The Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) is a species of Sturgeon in the Acipenseridae family. It is most present in all of the major Siberia River basins that drain northward into the Kara Sea, Laptev Sea. Siberian sturgeon usually weigh approximately 65 kg, with considerable variability between and within river basins. The maximum recorded weight was 210 kg. As with all other acipenserids, the Siberian sturgeon are long-lived (up to sixty years), and late to reach sexual maturity (males at 11–24 years, females at 20–28 years). They spawn in strong current main stem river channels on stone or gravel substrates.
The rainbow trout is a species of Salmonid native to tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America.
Caviar refers to the salted eggs (roe) of the fish species, sturgeon. Caviar comes from the Persian word Khaviar which means "bearing eggs". Some eggs from other species ( such as salmon, paddlefish, whitefish, and lumpfish) may be labeled caviar if the name of the fish is included. The three main types of caviar beluga, sevruga, and osetra, refer to the sturgeon species the caviar comes from. Most caviar production is centered in the Caspian Sea, with the two main producers being Russia and Iran (along with the countries of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan). Sturgeon, however, is not confined to this area. There are at least 50 species in the northern hemisphere and may also be found in North America, China, France and Cyprus. Caviar is extremely perishable and must be refrigerated from the moment it's taken from the fish to the time it's consumed. Caviar is only eaten raw at a cool (not cold) temperature. Excellent source: vitamin A, vitamin B12, magnesium, iron and sodium.